tallinnballet_ masterclasses
Payment of the registration fee
Tallinn International Ballet Masterclasses (TIBM).
There are two ways to pay the registration fee:
  1. By international (domestic for Estonian residents) bank transfer to the bank account of the non-profit organisation DX ART. All transfer fees/commissions are paid by the participant.
  2. By following the link on our website with a credit or debit card, as well as from a Paypal account, a 10% service commission will be added to the amount.

NB! Before paying the registration fee, in case of the participation of a minor participant (under 18 years old), it is necessary to fill in and send us a scanned copy or a photo of the "Parental Consent".
The document for printing and filling can be found here

If you need any supporting documents, for example, for a bank, please let us know.

International transfer:
Beneficiary: DX ART MTU
Company Reg. No.: 80283437
Beneficiary's bank: SWEDBANK AS
IBAN: EE212200221056299055
Payment description: word "TIBM" + participation year, participant's first name and surname
(Example, "TIBM2022 Marius Petipa")

NB! In case of the International bank transfer after the remittance please send the confirmation letter to payment@tallinnballet.ee

The Registration Fee:
  • Guarantees a place in one of the age groups.
  • It is taken as payment for the work of the team during the preparatory period and confirms the seriousness of your intentions.
  • It is non-refundable and is included in the total cost of participation.
  • After payment, the participant's data will be transferred to the commission to determine the age group of participation.
  • If the participant does not agree to participate in the group suggested by the selection panel, we must decline your application for participation. In that case, the fee is non-refundable. For more details, please contact the coordinator.
Rules of Participation
Privacy Policy
Defining a Group
The groups are determined in May, when the bulk of applications have been submitted. Participants whose applications are received after May will be placed within the existing groups as they come.
The commission takes into account not only the age, but also the level of each participant individually and in general, so that the groups are balanced. The commission consists of three professional teachers of classical dance. If the commission cannot make an unambiguous decision as to which group to send a participant to, then the participant is sent to the PRIMARY/SECONDARY group with the opportunity to be moved up based on the results of the first days of classes, with an adjustment of the cost of participation.
Registration Fee
Reg. no.: 80283437
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